Well, that's the end of the Role Playing story for the moment. Do not fret, though as the inept gang of adventurers will return very soon. Over the next few weeks we'll be running a contemporary story or two, before getting right back into the RPG (assuming I have the scripts sorted out how I want at that time).
Work on this week's comic was enjoyable, although not as fun to do as the last one (that will take some beating). Coming up with the smiley "Entertainment Co-ordinator" was certainly fun, although as I've not drawn the whole RPG group properly for a couple of weeks it proved a bit of a challenge getting them all to look right! Drawing all those miscellaneous expressions was a bit of a laugh though. But I think I'm going to have to get a bit of practice in before starting the next round of RPG strips as there's going to be a lot going on with plenty of people involved... Something for you all to think about and look forward to! ;D
Oh, and as for Jason's parting comment, yes, I'm well aware that weevils wouldn't have dandruff. We all know they're far too fastidious with their hair-care regimens to ever develop that condition!
Be sure to check in next week when we find that summer's finally arriving and it's time to start thinking about spending some time out in the garden...